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His mother said to the servants,
“Do whatever he tells you.” - John 2:5

Monthly and Annual Messages

. . . the reason for my presence among you for such a long time: to lead you on the path of Jesus. I want to save you and, through you, to save the whole world. . . here is the reason why I need your prayer: prayer is the only way to save the human race

30th July 1987

The Monthly and Annual Messages

Currently, three of the six visionaries (Ivan, Vicka, and Marija) continue to have daily apparitions. In addition to her daily apparitions, Marija also receives a message for the world on the 25th of every month.

The other three visionaries (Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov) receive annual apparitions.

Monthly - On the 25th of Each Month - Marija

On the 25th of every month, Our Lady appears to the Medjugorje visionary Marija to deliver her message to the world.

Annually - On the 18th March - Mirjana

Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions until the 25th December 1982. During her last daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March.

From 1987 until 2020, Mirjana also received messages on the 2nd of each month, especially for unbelievers, or as Our Lady says "those who have not yet come to know the love of my Son.”

Annually - On the 25th June - Ivanka

At her last daily apparition on the 7th May 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez the 10th secret and told her that from then on, she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions.

Annually - On the 25th December - Jakov

At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on the 12th September 1998, Our Lady told him the 10th secret and that he would continue to have one apparition each year on the 25th December, Christmas Day. On this day she asks Jakov to convey a message to all of us.